Weddings, reunions,
school programs, and even a special presentation in your company are much
anticipated occasions to show up and show off. If you have less than perfectly straight
teeth waiting for these events can be quite stressful. Before you decide to say
“No, I’m not coming” you need to know about Six Month Smiles!
What is Six Month Smiles?
Is it the right solution for you?
The best person to answer
this question is your trusted Portland Maine cosmetic dentist. Six Month Smiles
are brackets and tooth colored nickel-titanium wires that provide a gentle,
steady pressure to straighten your teeth in (yes, you heard it right) six
months. For most people who do no really have biting problems but who want to
correct their dental alignment and overcrowding problems, Six Month Smiles is
the perfect solution. What’s more, you don’t have to worry about the waiting
time because these are clear braces that are almost invisible!
What if you want clear,
removable braces?
Similar to Six Month
Smiles, Invisalign is a series of custom-fitting removable aligners that corrects
overcrowding and alignment issues. Your cosmetic dentist in Portland Maine will
also offer this option knowing that you may have specific needs.
Stop worrying about your
next special occasion and start moving towards the right solution. Visit your
Portland Maine cosmetic dentist to know whether Six Month Smiles or Invisalign
is right for you.